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❗Candid vs. Curated: Posting, Processes and Post-Mortems in Games
📺 SXSW Panel with Leah Williams, Amy Potter, Chloe Appleby
With social media increasing the focus on BTS – where everything and everyone is content – we’re seeing an uptick in curated documentaries from AAA studios that showcase triumph over adversity. But what happened to posting candid learnings and retrospectives on failings, as well as learnings? What’s the value in preserving those resources?
Join Chloe Appleby (Games Curator, Powerhouse Museum), Meredith Hall (Marketing Director, Summerfall Games) and Amy Potter (Marketing Director, Synty Studios), discussing the pros and cons of posting openly through the development process, the value in preserving process updates on social media, the question of curation versus candid – which should you use, and when, and where did the social media post-mortem disappear to?
❗Discoverability Roundtable: Being Seen & Seeing Yourself
📺 GCAP Roundtable with John Eternal
Discoverability, securing a publisher, finding your audience, and what marketing really means continue to be the scary topics developers struggle to tackle. This roundtable session will focus on defining key concepts in marketing and business development to help you better understand discoverability, strategies to be seen by your audience, creating your own luck and opportunities, and the common misconceptions and mistakes developers have built over time in these spaces. This session will be driven by the audience, with unfettered access to ask the scary questions, challenge your understandings of social and distribution platforms, and walk away with a stronger understanding of how to get your game seen in the wild west of algorithms and advertising.
❗Publishing Feedback Context in Game Development
One thing I wish people understood about feedback on pitching and why you don't often get it - there can be genuine risks to providing feedback. It's not that publishers don't WANT to give that feedback, but there are numerous reasons why a publisher or body might not give you that feedback. 🧵
❗What You’ve Wanted To Know About Marketing But Were Too Afraid To Ask
📺 Play By Play Panel with Paige Wilson and Lisa Blakie
Encompassing everything from community management, branding, advertising, social media, events and more – how do we even begin to ask for marketing advice? We’ll run through anonymous questions as asked by devs round the world to answer your burning questions.