This is a good question! The biggest thing about getting anyone involved with any event or sign up or anything where you are asking them for something is what value you’re giving them. A demo is a great way to provide some value on your side, but it’s a huge outset of dev time, especially early on. So what else can you do?

You essentially need to have some kind of lead magnet. There’s a few good articles about what ‘lead magnets’ are and how to use them that are worth reading here. (One) (two) and (three).

However, not every event will make it possible for you to do so - e.g. you might be swamped and not have time to prepare anything, so throwing up a tweet to promote your involvement is maybe all you can do with the time you have.

However, here are some options you could consider:

Ultimately, what works for your game is totally dependent on what the game is and what your goals are. If you’re trying to get visibility in the festival to build wishlists, finding a straightforward lead magnet you can use to direct traffic to Steam AND/OR encourage a wishlisting action is the best thing you can do without a demo, and your Steam community posts should reflect this goal, as well as any social posts you tackle.